Joint declarations

Joint Statement of Intent
On the digital transformation in the international scientific and quality infrastructure
The International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML), the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), the International Science Council (ISC) and its Committee on Data (CODATA), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) signed a Joint Statement of Intent On the digital transformation in the international scientific and quality infrastructure (Joint Statement) on 30 March 2022.
The Joint Statement provides a platform for the signatory organisations to come together to indicate their support, in ways that are appropriate to each particular organisation, for the development, implementation, and promotion of the SI Digital Framework as part of a wider digital transformation of the international scientific and quality infrastructure. Other international organisations are expected to sign the Joint Statement in the future.
The OIML is openly and actively engaging in the digital transformation of legal metrology. This has been recently demonstrated by the creation of the OIML Digitalisation Task Group. This Task Group, which consists of 15 OIML Members and international and regional organisations, is a new horizontal group of the OIML which will support the digital transformation of legal metrology processes and services and support, promote and coordinate the international harmonisation and implementation of digital transformation in legal metrology. By signing the Joint Statement, the OIML signals its support of the principles contained in it and provides a frame of reference for the OIML Digitalisation Task Group.
The Joint Statement also supports the 2022 World Metrology Day theme, Metrology in the Digital Era. This theme was selected because digitalisation and digital transformation are part of our community and are of interest to all the Members of the OIML and our various stakeholders.
In signing the Joint Statement, the OIML aims to continue to support the objectives of its 125 Members.
Signing of the Joint Statement of Intent
Clockwise from top left:
Wynand Louw, CIPM President (on behalf of the BIPM)
Mathieu Denis, ISC Science Director and Acting CEO
Barend Mons, CODATA President
Roman Schwartz, CIML President (on behalf of the OIML)
Frank Härtig, IMEKO President
Metrological Traceability
The Joint BIPM, OIML, ILAC and ISO declaration on metrological traceability was updated and re-signed on 13 November 2018 during the 26th meeting of the CGPM, held in Versailles.
The Joint Declaration highlights the importance of metrological traceability and encourages the members of the four organizations – as well as others for whom metrological traceability is important – to adopt its recommendations. It is referenced in ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General requirements for the competence of testing, used by more than 60 000 calibration and testing laboratories worldwide.
The 2018 version, signed by Martin Milton (for the BIPM), Stephen Patoray (for the OIML), Merih Malmqvist Nilsson (for ILAC), and Sergio Mujica (for ISO), updates and reaffirms the original Joint Declaration signed on 9 November 2011.
BIPM-OIML-ILAC-ISO Joint Declaration (Updated and re-signed in October 2018)
Relevance of International Agreements
The Joint BIPM-OIML-ILAC Declaration 2006 on the relevance of various international agreements on metrology to trade, legislation and standardization. This statement is a reflection of the ongoing close cooperation between ILAC, the BIPM and the OIML and promotes the use of the three existing Mutual Recognition Arrangements.
BIPM-OIML-ILAC 2006 Joint Declaration covering letter
BIPM-OIML-ILAC 2006 Joint Declaration
BIPM-OIML-ILAC 2006 Joint Declaration (French version)