RLMO RT 2022-09-27

The 2022 meeting of the Regional Legal Metrology Organisation Round Table (RLMO RT)
took place online on Tuesday, 27 September 2022 from 10:00–14:00 UTC.
(Click the links to download the presentations)
V3 - 2022-09-22
1. Welcome by the RLMO RT Chairperson (Dr. Charles Ehrlich)
2. Roll call
3. Update from the Round Table Chairperson
4. Updates from the RLMOs
- SIM (Ms Sandra Rodríguez)
- GULFMET (Eng. Amina Al Bastaki
- COOMET (Dr. Valery Hurevich)
- APLMF (Dr. Osman Zakaria)
- AFRIMETS (Mr. Jaco Marneweck)
- WELMEC (Dr. Pavel Klenovský)
5. Open Forum on the 2022 RLMO discussion topics (‘Digitalization’ and ‘Smart Meters’)
6. Coordination/Planning of OIML Bulletin Issue for April 2023 on RLMOs and Prepackaged Products
7. Update on the CEEMS AG (Mr. Peter Mason)
8. Update on the OIML-CS (Mr. Mannie Panesar/Mr. Paul Dixon)
9. Business meeting to address other ongoing RLMO and relevant OIML matters
- Decision to hold either one or two Interim RT Meetings per year?;
- Have talks on specialty topics at 2023 Interim RT Meeting(s)?;
- Open Forum Discussion Topic(s) for 2023?;
- Key 2022 CIML Meeting Topics (e.g., OIML B 12 revision);
- Any change in view about making relationship between RLMOs and OIML more formal?;
- Updates on PG Workspace(s) and OIML Web Site for RLMO RT;
- Follow-up interactions with EURAMET?;
- E-learning progress/initiatives?;
- How to better engage CEEMS countries/economies in the RT?;
- Other?
10. Future collaborations
11. Conclusions
12. Any other business
List of RLMOs
- AFRIMETS (Intra-Africa Metrology System)
- APLMF (Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum)
- COOMET (Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions)
- GULFMET (Gulf Association for Metrology)
- SIM (The Inter-American Metrology System)
- WELMEC (European Cooperation in Legal Metrology)
Guest Organization
- SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)
2022 RLMO discussion topics
- How is your RLMO approaching ‘digitalization’ pertaining to measuring instruments in your region?
- How is your RLMO approaching the regulation of smart meters in your region?