Technical Committees

TC Name Subcommittees
TC 1 Terminology
TC 2 Units of measurement
TC 3 Metrological control Display all SCs (6)
TC 4 Measurement standards and calibration and verification devices
TC 5 General requirements for measuring instruments Display all SCs (2)
TC 6 Prepackaged products
TC 7 Measuring instruments for length and associated quantities Display all SCs (4)
TC 8 Measurement of quantities of fluids Display all SCs (5)
TC 9 Instruments for measuring mass and density Display all SCs (4)
TC 10 Instruments for measuring pressure, force and associated quantities Display all SCs (4)
TC 11 Instruments for measuring temperature and associated quantities Display all SCs (3)
TC 12 Instruments for measuring electrical quantities
TC 13 Measuring instruments for acoustics and vibration
TC 14 Measuring instruments used for optics
TC 15 Measuring instruments for ionizing radiations Display all SCs (2)
TC 16 Instruments for measuring pollutants Display all SCs (4)
TC 17 Instruments for physico-chemical measurements Display all SCs (8)
TC 18 Medical measuring instruments Display all SCs (4)
BIML International Bureau of Legal Metrology Display all SCs (5)
OIML-CS OIML-CS Display all SCs (7)
RLMO-RT RLMOs Round Table
DTG DTG Display all SCs (1)