News archive

News archive
2024-03-01 NIM (CN) OIML Issuing Authority and Test Laboratory scope has been extended to include R 50:2014
2024-03-01 NMi (NL) OIML Issuing Authority and Test Laboratory scope has been extended to include R 60:2021 and R 129:2020
2024-01-16 New editions of Procedural Documents PD-03, PD-04, PD-05 and PD-07 published here
2024-01-09 Tifernogas s.r.l. (Italy) has been approved as an OIML Issuing Authority and Test Laboratory under the OIML-CS. Their scope is available here
2023-12-04 Thailand (the Department of Internal Trade) has become a Utilizer under the OIML-CS. Their scope is available here.
2023-09-29 An animated video "Introduction to the OIML Certifications System (OIML-CS) has been uploaded to the OIML YouTube channel.
2023-09-15 The Ninth OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting will be held on 6-7 March 2024 in New Delhi, India.
2023-11-03 Tifernogas (IT) has become a Utilizer under the OIML-CS. Their scope is available here.
2023-10-02 Russian version of the OIML-UNIDO Guidance Document on the OIML-CS published.
2023-09-18 The PTB (DE) OIML Issuing Authority and Test Laboratory scopes have been extended to include R 60:2021 and R 61:2017
2023-08-10 The Legal Metrology Division, Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India has become an OIML Issuing Authority under the OIML-CS. Their scope is available here
2023-04-19 The United Arab Emirates has become an Associate under the OIML-CS. Their scope is available here
2022-08-29 LNE (FR) OIML Issuing Authority and Test Laboratory approved for R 126:2021 under Scheme A
2022-07-20 NMi (NL) OIML Issuing Authority and Test Laboratory approved for R 99:2008 and R 126:2021 under Scheme A
2022-06-06 METAS (CH) OIML Issuing Authority and Test Laboratory approved for R 106:2011 and R 134:2006 under Scheme A
2022-02-04 NMi (NL) OIML Issuing Authority and Test Laboratory approved for R 106:2011 under Scheme A
2021-07-19 NMIA (AU) OIML Issuing Authority and Test Laboratory approved for R 50:2014 under Scheme A