OIML Bulletin

Download the April 2024 edition of the OIML Bulletin on this page
Download the April 2024 OIML Bulletin by clicking here
The OIML Bulletin (ISSN 0473-2812) is the Quarterly Journal of the Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale. It is a forum for the publication of technical papers, general interest papers and other diverse articles addressing metrological advances in emerging and traditional areas including trade, health, the environment and safety – fields in which the credibility of measurement remains a priority.
The Editors of the Bulletin encourage the submission of articles covering topics such as national, regional and international activities in legal metrology and related fields, evaluation procedures, accreditation and certification, and measuring techniques and instrumentation.
The Editors reserve the right to edit contributions for style, space and linguistic reasons. Author approval of the final proof is always requested prior to publication.
The Editors disclaim any liability for claims made in articles, which are the sole responsibility of the authors concerned.
Current edition
The OIML Bulletin may be downloaded free of charge - the most recent issue is available by clicking the link or the picture to the left.
Past editions and index
Past editions may be downloaded via the section "Past Editions and Index". An index of all the past editions of the Bulletin is available on the Past Editions and Index page in the form of a searchable Acrobat PDF file.
Future editions
On the "Future Editions" page, a table of the proposed themes for future editions of the OIML Bulletin is presented.
Submitting an article
Information on submitting an article is available here. Please send submissions to:
Chris Pulham
Editor, OIML Bulletin