2010 - 2nd Award

Thai Legal Metrology Service
At the 45th CIML Meeting in Orlando, CIML President Mr. Alan Johnston announced the winner of the second OIML Award for Excellent Achievements in Legal Metrology in Developing Countries.
Eberhard Seiler, OIML Facilitator for Developing Country Matters, had proposed that Thai Legal Metrology Service be nominated for the 2010 Award because of the continuous efforts by the regulatory authority (Department of Internal Trade, DIT) and also the Central Bureau of Weights and Measures, CBWM (as executing agency) to develop legal metrology.
Thailand now has three Regional Verification Offices, and a fourth is due to open at the end of 2010; verification activities are continually being expanded with about two to three million verifications being carried out across the country every year.
Regular training is provided for verification inspectors on verification of measuring instruments, calibration of measuring instruments, checking the net content of prepacked goods, inspection, and legislation.
Thailand has also participated in a number of training courses and workshops in cooperation with the APLMF, the most recent of which was on software controlled measuring instruments in Bangkok this year.
The following table gives an overview of legal metrology activities in Thailand:
Check of
prepackages |
2 925 834
299 913
3 382 338
484 814
3 920 421
539 818
2 323 866 *
434 775
* In 2009, designated manufacturers also verified over 850 000 water meters and thousands of spring scales and fuel dispensers

Verification of weighing bridges in Thailand