2018 CEEMS Award

Prof. Carlos Augusto de Azevedo
Prof. Carlos Augusto de Azevedo of the Ministerio Da Industria, Comercio Exterior e Serviços – MDIC, Instituto Nacional De Metrologia, Qualidade E Tecnologia – INMETRO, Brazil has made a major contribution to bringing legal metrology services to the most remote populations along the Amazon River.
Brazil is a country covering 8.5 million km2, in which creating an adequate infrastructure to provide legal metrology services is a major challenge.
In the case of the Amazon River this challenge is even larger, as access to the most remote populations is only by the river itself.
To resolve this problem, Prof. Azevedo is the mentor of a fluvial unit containing a total infrastructure to provide legal metrology services, among other research activities. In 2017 the first unit was released and recently a second unit was inaugurated providing, in addition to the legal metrology services, a DNA research laboratory.
The fluvial units will cover 61 municipalities along the Amazon River during one year, performing inspections on behalf of the Weights and Measurements Institute of the Amazon State (IPEM-AM) in Brazil. One vessel is equipped with three laboratories (prepackage, health and chrono-tacographs) and one multimedia center and the second has volume, mass and length laboratories.

Prof. Carlos Augusto de Azevedo

Fluvial unit approaching an offshore gas station
to begin a volume verification along the Amazon River